Hornets Came and Consumed Her: Gender, Animality, and Hunger in Bavli Sanhedrin’s Stories of Sodom and Noah

NYU Studies in Rabbinic Narratives, edited by Jeffrey Rubenstein.  Brown Judaic Studies (2021)

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Disability, Climate Change, and Environmental Violence: The Politics of Invisibility and the Horizon of Hope

Disability Studies Quarterly (2020)
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Disability Studies and Jewish Culture in Late Antiquity: Gender, Body, and Violence Against Empire 

A Companion to Jews and Judaism in the Late Antique World, 3rd Century BCE-7th Century CE, edited by Gwynn Kessler and Naomi Koltun-Fromm.  Wiley Blackwell (2020)

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Improv and the Angel: Disability Dance, Embodied Ethics, and Jewish Biblical Narrative  

Journal of Religious Ethics (2019)

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Vital Wheels: Disability, Relationality, and the Queer Animacy of Vibrant Things 

Hypatia: Journal of Feminist Philosophy (2016)

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Brides and Blemishes: Queering Women's Disability in the Babylonian Talmud

Journal of the American Academy of Religion (2015)

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Privilege and Disaster: Toward a Jewish Feminist Ethics of Climate Silence and Environmental Unknowing

Journal of the Society for Christian Ethics (2014)

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Disability and the Social Politics of 'Natural' Disaster: Toward a Jewish Feminist Ethics of Disaster Tales 

Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology (2015)

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For more about my research and teaching at Georgetown University, please visit my faculty page.

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